Collectible Minifig Series 12
As many of you heard already the LEGO minifigure collection series 12 will include The LEGO Movie character. Here are officially announced characters of the series. William
Shakespeare, Abraham Lincoln, Panda Guy, Marsha, Queen of the Mermaids,
Velma Staplebot, Scribble-Face Bad Cop, Wild West Wyldstyle, Hard Hat
Emmet, Gail the Construction Worker, "Where Are My Pants?" Guy, Mrs.
Scratchen-Post, Wiley Fusebot, President Business, Calamity Drone, Taco
Tuesday Man and Larry the Barista. Every minifigure comes with one or
more accessories and a display plate
And most recently a picture of the box art from the new series is relased.
And most recently a picture of the box art from the new series is relased.