Aurora Train from Metro Exodus by Hasan Kabalak

We don't blog digital creation very often in this blog but when we do we select the best ones to share with the readers. This wonderful and huge creation is a model train named Aurora from the game Metro Exodus. This MOC was created by talented builder Hasan Kabalak who is also the creator of the great Golf Mk1 GTI model in LEGO Ideas, which was reached the necessary numbers in first stages in Ideas incredibly fast but not selected by LEGO at the final stage. The MOC contains increadible amount of details both in the interior and exterior as well. The MOC also contains lots of the characters from the game. I haven't played the game myself but checking out the game photos from the internet the characters also portrayed in LEGO form as close as they could. I lşke the use of the new Star piece in front section. The builder also made custom rails as the basic LEGO rails are not suitable for a monster train. I also liked the extra details like the containers, boxes, wooden supports etc around the vehicle as well.